Real Hustle Podcast
June 6, 2022I Did. Now What?
August 6, 202207/08/00
Hello non one-liner at the moment!!
Yes, I would like to write anyway, because I know I would like to read mail also… hint… for the future… Had two days off, and guess what I did… ok, good guess!!
I went about 1 1/2 hours South, then took a boat to a wonderful paradise here in Thailand… the Island’s name is Koh Samet. Went alone and ended up being the best time I have had in quite some time. Got off the boat, tourists went one way, so I looked the other and just followed my feet… Walked about 2 hours through jungle, over cliffs, and popped upon this little spot right in a beautiful cove. The water was so blue, the sand a sugary white and lazy little trees at the waters edge. I put up my hammock and drifted off to my happy place, with the gentle waves lapping at the shore, just steps from where I napped.
I awoke a few hours later and was thirsty and a little hungry!! So with no food or water, headed back to the little beach cottages. Found a tucked away little place called the “Oasis”. Right on the waters edge up on the side of a small hill. Trees kept the sun out, but the breeze was still invited. The bar and little cook area was owned by a very nice couple. The husband was a native Thai, and the wife was a wonderful little lady from Switzerland. They had been married seven years, no children, but oh, guess what… 5 cats!!! She [moved] to Thailand, to live life unregretfully. She qualified to be a Mrs. Campbell, but too bad, already taken.
Basically spent the day there, and as the boat was preparing to leave, I just couldn’t bring myself to get on the boat. So I did what anyone in their right mind would do; skipped the boat!! The awesome couple invited me to stay the night in the bungalow above the bar!! I gratefully accepted and bought two bottles of Thai Whiskey and proceeded to spend the evening with the most wonderful people, the couple, the few employees and some other locals. We laughed, sang, and said farewell to the day, until the wee hours of the morning!!
I slept till noon the next [day], had breakfast, and hoped time would slow down, never making it to departure time. I swam in the cove and lazed in the shade talking to my company. I met a [young] girl there that had lived in Sydney, Australia since she was little. She had come back to visit while school was out… so cute and sweet.
Well, tomorrow I start back to the grind so am kinda bummed. Oh well, that just makes the good times even better.
Bye, Chris…
My heart is full after rereading my brother’s email to me from so many years ago. Chris was such a free spirit, who loved meeting people and getting to know them. He was genuinely interested in their stories. This makes me think of my mom, too, who has never met a stranger. In another email to me Chris said, “human beings cannot survive very well alone”. Although he was only 25 when he wrote this, he was wise beyond his years.
I referenced “IZ” in an earlier post. In his CD ‘IZ, The Man And His Music’, he’s talking story before he begins singing the words to Lover of Mine. He said when he was recording the song, he believed everyone could relate because when your loved ones go far, “you miss ’em.” I miss Chris very much and can appreciate the intense feeling of nostalgia in the words and melody. In the middle of the song, IZ incorporates lyrics from John Lennon’s song ‘Imagine’… “people say I’m dreamer, but I’m not the only one. Someday you will join us, and the world will be as one.”
Chris was a dreamer, but he didn’t stop there. He embraced opportunities to connect with others and share good times together. The US celebrates independence, both as a country and as individuals. Beginning this Independence Day, July 4th, I would like to encourage you to be a person who sees value in connecting with people you don’t know. Especially right now, our world needs individuals who practice kindness to others, and that can come in simple forms… a smile, a quick hello, or even a wave. Each of us can be kind, and it DOES matter. Just like the “deep blue ocean, waves in motion”, our individual acts of kindness can replicate and collectively change the world for the better.
Proud Sister of Christopher George Campbell, US Navy
September 16, 1974 – 8/6/11
“The greatest casualty is being forgotten” -WWP®