The Mountains We Climb
September 10, 2024
An Elephant Ride
September 22, 2024Hello!
From Japan, I greet you. I am doing well and trust you are also. We’ve been on and off the island for about three weeks now and wow, my head’s spinning. On the flight over we stopped in Honolulu, Hawaii for the night. Stayed in the Outrigger Resort in Waikiki, was great. I finally got to view the infamous “Pink Panther” that I was [born] in. The next day of our travel our taxi took us to a small island called Kwajalein in the Marshall Island Chain. A small and beautiful paradise that I might actually go and work one day. Interesting story, I’ll tell you later. After the refueling pit stop we proceeded to Guam. Once again stayed the night at a wonderful resort on a white sandy beach. Made our way to Okinawa and have been busy ever since. I plan to call our parents for the first time since I left the states tonight. Mom’s probably worried but oh well what can I do. How is your speech class coming? By now you should be able to hold a dignified press conference in the White House! You take care and I hope to hear from you soon. Chris
(Email from Chris to me dated 03.17.00)
“I’m pregnant” – two simple words that I’ve heard from several friends over the years. It’s cliche’, but they GLOW when they say this! The smile on their face when they share their great news radiates happiness. Seeing an ultrasound image, watching a baby bump grow, hearing a heartbeat for the first time and feeling the little kicks from within are special and miraculous moments for those who embark on the sweet, yet challenging, journey of parenthood. It makes me think of my mom… my father…
Fifty years ago two young people, my parents, were stationed at Kaneohe Bay. On September 16, 1974, my mom delivered their infant son at Tripler Army Medical Center (aka “Pink Panther”). They named their baby boy Christopher George Campbell. In a letter to her parents, my mom said, “Cindy and Le can’t keep their hands off Chris. Cindy was very disappointed he wasn’t a girl and now, she’s glad he wasn’t”. Our family of five was complete with this new arrival.
I’m grateful to my parents and thankful we had Chris in our lives for 36 years. As we observe his 50th birthday this year, words from Donna Ashworth’s poem, Love Came First, are perfect on this day of reflection. The last few sentences are: “Remember why she came, remember who she represents. Remember. Grief came to you my friend because love came first. Love came first.”
We will always love Chris and continue to remember and celebrate my brother’s life and his legacy of hope to all veterans. Over the years I’ve met many who have leaned on Wounded Warrior Project/WWP as they navigate life after service. The programs and resources WWP offers to our military members are vital. From the battlefield and beyond, the journey begins with a backpack and a promise and continues after that; their logo is a living one.
This week I would like to invite you, beginning on Chris’ 50th birthday, to make a donation to Wounded Warrior Project in his name. His life of service will live on through your contribution.
*Happy 50th Birthday, Christopher George Campbell*
Proud Sister of Christopher George Campbell, US Navy
September 16, 1974 – 8/6/11
“The greatest casualty is being forgotten” – WWP